Mission Miranda

Missions of the Bolivarian Revolution
— food — housing — medicine —
Barrio Adentro  · Plan Bolivar 2000
Hábitat  · Mercal
— education —
Ribas  · Sucre
Robinson I  · Robinson II
— indigenous rights — land — environment —
Guaicaipuro  · Identidad
Miranda  · Piar
Vuelta al Campo  · Vuelvan Caras
— (Hugo Chávez) — (Venezuela) —

Mission Miranda is one of the Bolivarian Missions (a series of anti-poverty and social welfare programs) implemented by current Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez. The program establishes a Venezuelan military reserve composed of ordinary Venezuelan citizens given light arms to defend the territory in the case of an invasion. Arms purchases intended to supply the program included the acquisition of 100,000 Russian AK-47 rifles which has provoked criticism from the U.S. and Colombian government over what seems to be an unnecessary increase of weapon stocks.

Misión Miranda, as it is called in Spanish, was named in remembrance of Francisco de Miranda (1750–1816).

See also

External links